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Meu nome é Fê, amo desenhar, escrever, contar lindas, fantásticas, coloridas e divertidas histórias para as crianças. Sou muito Liz. =-)

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Outros livros ilustrados por mim :


Guerra dos Bichos – Editora Brinque-Book

As meias dos Flamingos – Editora Larousse 

Os tres tesouros – Editora Larousse

Ana e Ana – Editora DCL

Ensinei meu gato a falar francês – Editora Paulinas ( PremioAçorianos de ilustração -2006 )

O homem que escrevia ao contrário – Editora Paulinas

Contos de Perrault – 

Conversa de Passarinhos, Jardim de Haijin,

DiaNoite, Haikais para crianças,

Estação dos Bichos – Editora Iluminuras

Meu Cavalinho Vermelho – Editora Positivo

Se o menino tem asas – Editora Positivo

O gato do mato e o cachorro do morro – Editora Ática

A Borboleta Chique – Editora IBEP

Quantas rodas tem uma bicicleta?- Casa do Lobo

A Girafa Míope - SESC -SC.

Cuidado, muito cuidado com o chapéu avermelhado - Casa do Lobo

O que é preciso pra ser Rei?- Pequeno Zahar Editora

I am an architect graduated in  Architecture  in 1983  e

also graduated in Visual Communication and Postgraduate in Graphic Technology

by FAU-USP in 1988.

I currently illustrate for the daily column of José Simão do

Illustrated section of the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper.

I have several illustrated books in publishing houses dedicated to Literature

Infantil like  Brinque-Book, Global, FTD, Actual, Paulinas,

Larousse Junior, DCL, Moderna, Iluminuras, Papagaio, IBEP .

Received the Açorianos Award for Children's Literature Illustration

-2006 (Secretary of Culture of Porto Alegre)

By Editora Melhoramentos, I have in co-authorship with Celso Linck

the illustrated book  "The Cobronça, the Princess and the Surprise".

By Editora Iluminuras, “Jardim de Haijin” and

“Estação dos Bichos” co-authored with Alice Ruiz S. /  “DiaNoite” co-authored with Alonso Alvarez and Camila Jabur.

In October 2011, I launched my first illustrated book

and written by me, "The Little King who only spoke yes." - Editora Larousse, now edited by Editora Papagaio.

On 13/14/2012, I released four authored children's books “No Mundo do Faz de Conta”, “Brinconto” and “Ki-Som-Será? ”, "The Gluttonous King." - CREATIVE Collection by Editora Paulinas.

“A Pinta Fujona” by Editora Iluminuras,

In 2015, by Editora Papagaio, I relaunched the new Colorful, Fun and Creative Illustrated Book "O Reizinho que só Falava Sim".

In 2017, " The Girl Who Swallowed the World " were released by Editora Iluminuras and " Cabe..." the fifth book that is part of the Creative Collection edited by Editora Paulinas.

In 2020, the Illustrated Book "OOOBBAAAA!" by the publisher Words.

In this year 2021 I launched the Illustrated Book "My corner and its charm" by SEI publisher.

Book "How many wheels does a bicycle have?" co-authored with Eliandro Rocha by Editora Casa do Lobo.

Although all my children's books look like illustrations done by traditional painting techniques, they are actually all digital paintings, using the Macintosh computer, tablet and digital pen.

(Digital Brush) and Corel Painter 12 software, Ipad Pro

with digital pencil.


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